Tuesday, February 15, 2011


What is Sugaring?
Sugaring is a technique of epilation or hair removal using the basic ingredient of sugar in the process of its application. This hair removal technique has been used since 1900 BC by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Indians which at that time was considered that the hairless body is a symbol of beauty.
The ingredients that used to make the sugaring paste are sugar, lemon juice, and cup of water. Just mix these ingredients. So simple and easy. The natural ingredients make sugaring can be used to remove the hair on the whole body, including facial hair and sensitive areas like bikini line.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Extension Hair Care

Today, the hair extension has become a common procedure for those who want a long and thick hair instantly. But the hair extension that use hot glue and ring, need an extra care to keep it durable, good, and not damage the original hair.

Which Exercise Suits You Best? Part. 2

Each sport has its own advantages and different functions. Let’s choose the sports that match with your interests so you can increase your spirit of the exercise.

1.   Belly Dancing
If you're quite confident to find another sport than usual, belly dancing could be for you. Belly dancing is not only shake your belly. This dance class equally effective with other sports in terms of body toning and burning sweat.

Excellent For:
        Character: Love to dance, music, and quite confident. You must also interested in group exercise because belly dancing is more fun when done with others. Last but not least, be happy with a heart pumping workout.
        Body Part: Belly dancing will tighten hips, thighs, arms, and back muscles, and abdomen shape. In belly dancing, you’ll also learn how to control the abdominal muscles, improve flexibility and train the coordination.
        Age and Condition: The movement is as dancing, so everyone can do this exercise, not only women but also men.
        Health: Belly dancing is one of cardiovascular exercise that trains the heart muscle strength. Belly dancing can burn calories and relieve stress.
        Eating Habit: If you have an eating hobby, don't be afraid to try belly dancing! Belly dancing is effectively burn body fat while toning your hips and abdominal muscles.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Which Exercise Suits You Best? Part. 1

Each sport has its own advantages and different functions. Let’s choose the sports that match with your interests so you can increase your spirit of the exercise.

1.   Swimming
By swimming, you can get incredible results of cardio without pressure on the joints. Although the water pressure forces the muscles to work harder, but the body will feel lighter in the water. So the joints move more easily and not stiff. Your body will be toned without lift weights.

Excellent For:
        Character: Suitable for casual people and lazy to do exercise. Swimming is also considered as an ultimate exercise because it can decrease the blood pressure. Mind and body will become calmer.
        Body Part: Almost all joints of the limbs used for swimming. For example the thighs, legs, neck, back, shoulders, arms, and abdomen. Suitable for anyone who wants healthy and stamina without having a specific focus to make shape of part of the body. Do it regularly so your body will more toned and has a better posture.
        Age and condition: Swimming is an universal sport, and there is no age limit for doing this.
        Eating Habit: Suitable for anyone who can control the urge to eat. Because after the swim usually will be more hungry than after do other sports.
        Health: Maintain blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart strength. Good for the lungs, reduces the risk of stroke, heart pressure and diabetes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Glowing Skin Recipes

Dull and dry skin is never ever cool! But the treatment at salon or buy cream are usually expensive. And the chemical content is not necessarily suitable to our skin. These are the quick, simple, and cost-effective masks, designed to make your skin glowing, healthy, and soft.

It’s Tea Time Part. 2

These are the tea types that good for our health:
1.   Jasmine Tea
Jasmine tea is the most popular tea in Indonesia. Indonesia has been producing and exporting this tea  to various countries in the world for a long time. Mixture of tea leaves and jasmine petals makes very special aroma.

The benefits of this tea:
Jasmine tea has an anti-oxidant that protects cells from damage and the aging process, and protects red blood cells from death caused by free radicals. The antioxidants also help the body absorb less fat and cholesterol. Based on research at Tel Aviv University, the aroma of jasmine flowers can reduce the potential of breast cancer and prostate cancer. And the researchers from Kyoto University said that essential oils and aroma of jasmine has a calming effect and can generate positive passion.

It’s Tea Time Part. 1

Japanese, British, and Chinese have a ritual or habit of drinking tea. Tea has health benefits that are good for our body. These are the tea types:
1.   Bergamot Tea

This is a black tea blended with bergamot oil, a type of citrus which grows in South Italy. It contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process, and reduce the risk of heart attack.

The benefit of this tea:
Bergamot is useful for the treatment of depression and used for aromatherapy to calm down our mood. Bergamot as an antiseptic that keep our oral hygiene. It can kill halitosis (bacteria in the mouth) and oral infections. It’s also can reduce fever, increase immunity, treat colitis and other digestive problems that often occur. The effect is fast enough.

Stay Pretty Outdoor

When leaving from home, we have maximum performance. But after exposed to the sun and dust, our hair and face become dull. Hmmm… how to look beautiful during the holidays? Calm down. There is always a way for everything, including to be beautiful when go outside with very hot or cold weather.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pretty Food Part. 2

Here are some foods that can make us pretty:
1. Almond
        Sources of vitamin E that nourish the skin soft, smooth, and shiny.
       Almond skins are rich in antioxidants, protect cells from many chronic diseases, such as cancer.
        Brighten dark circles under the eyes by improving blood cells.

Almond skins keep a lot of nutrients to the skin. For maximum results, use almonds as your healthy snack!

Pretty Food Part. 1

Here are some foods that can make us pretty:
1.   Green Tea
What are the benefit?
        Against skin damage from sunlight and protect skin from sunburn.
        Have high antioxidant. Effective in the prevention of cancer.
        Make the skin smoother and reduces the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles.
        Have anti-inflammatory that can reduce the redness of the skin, suitable for sensitive skin.
        Have anti-bacterial, so they can control acne.
        Green tea also reduces the volatility of the hormone that is usually the main cause of acne.

Mix a half glass of cold green tea with a half glass of fruit juice such as papaya or pineapple. Add a teaspoon of honey to make it sweeter.

The Truth About Acne

What Is Acne?
What is acne? Acne is a skin condition that isn’t normal where there’re infection and inflammation of the oil glands in human skin. Usually, the oil and dead skin layer that is not cleaned will clog the pores and form a blackhead. Blackheads can become inflamed if contaminated with the propionibacterium acnes (p acnes) bacteria. That inflammation is called acne. Acne not only appear on the face, but also other parts such as back, chest, arms, legs, etc. Acne can affect anyone, not only teens. For people who are actively working in dusty areas and lazy to wash their face, and for oily skin, can also cause the appearance of acne on the face.

Clear Smooth B.B. Cream from Maybelline New York Now in Indonesia

What is B.B. Cream?
With advanced technology, Maybelline New York introduce the new generation cream product. It is Clear Smooth B.B. Cream. The cream is very innovative and understand our typical facial skin with the Skin Caring Cream concept that has Make Up Benefits. Mild formula of Clear Smooth B.B. Cream a.k.a Blemish Balm Cream is created by a dermatologist from Germany, which was originally created for patients who did laser procedure, that can decimate redness of the face and the result is very instant. Because it contains hydratant that can moisturize our skin, B.B. Cream is very popular in other Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, etc. It’s also content of minerals, so the more often we use Clear Smooth B.B. Cream, our skin color will looks brighter, smoother and healthier. Pretty in one step, girls!

Dental Care: Brighten Our Teeth


The Cause of Tooth Discoloration:
1.   Original Color.
Each person has different basic color of teeth. There are basically white, but some are not. The color of teeth depends on formation of bone, which basically has a different genetic.
2.   Chemicals In Foods or Beverages.
We often do not realize that the food we eat or drink is bad for our teeth color. Especially if we consume constantly, like drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks.
3.   Smoking.
This is the worst teeth destruction. Nicotine that contained in cigarettes wil stick to the tooth enamel and cause brown stains. Worse, it is difficult to remove the stains. Not enough with toothbrush.
4.   Drugs.
Some chemicals in drugs can also cause tooth discoloration becomes more yellow. If you really depend on the particular drug, it can’t be avoided.
5.   Lazy to Clean or Brush the Teeth.
Can you imagine how much bacteria in the mouth, if you rarely brush your teeth? Plaques produced after a long time will accumulated and become a yellowish crust. The teeth become dull and cause very bad smell breath.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Facial-Skin Treatment for Under 20

Characteristic of the skin under 20 years old:
      There’s oily skin, and dry skin.
      Experiencing rapid regeneration of skin cells.
      Skin tissue is still tight and perfect.
      Acne-prone skin.
      Large pores.

The Dangers of Diet Pills

From Fatigue to Faint
Diet pills/drugs are made to eliminate body fat and suppress appetite. How it works, usually by making us urinate frequently. According to the European Medicines Evaluation Agency, appetite busting drug can be fatal if taken without the supervision of experts. Our body needs nutritious food with all the vitamins in it. If we don't eat, how can we get the nutrient? Urinate frequently can also makes us dehydrated. No wonder that the diet pills/drugs often make people who consume them become weak, tired, and sometimes unconscious.

Get a Healthy Pinkish Lips

It’s time to talk about lips! As a female, especially teenager, we have a lot of things we should care. Especially the skin, hair and face. But, you know what? There's one more thing to be part of our facial care. Yup, it’s lips! Healthy lips is one of main reasons that support our beauty. So, lip health must always be moist, because the attractive and healthy lips will support our facial beauty. Problems that often occur on the lips are the lips become dark, dry and chapped. To know more, let’s we learn about how to get a healthy pinkish lips.