Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dental Care: Brighten Our Teeth


The Cause of Tooth Discoloration:
1.   Original Color.
Each person has different basic color of teeth. There are basically white, but some are not. The color of teeth depends on formation of bone, which basically has a different genetic.
2.   Chemicals In Foods or Beverages.
We often do not realize that the food we eat or drink is bad for our teeth color. Especially if we consume constantly, like drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks.
3.   Smoking.
This is the worst teeth destruction. Nicotine that contained in cigarettes wil stick to the tooth enamel and cause brown stains. Worse, it is difficult to remove the stains. Not enough with toothbrush.
4.   Drugs.
Some chemicals in drugs can also cause tooth discoloration becomes more yellow. If you really depend on the particular drug, it can’t be avoided.
5.   Lazy to Clean or Brush the Teeth.
Can you imagine how much bacteria in the mouth, if you rarely brush your teeth? Plaques produced after a long time will accumulated and become a yellowish crust. The teeth become dull and cause very bad smell breath.

How To Brighten Our Teeth?
1.   Routine Treatment.
Go to the dentist at least 6 months. Brush our teeth after breakfast and before go to bed. Brush our teeth to prevent stains arising from the buildup of plaque.
2.   Avoiding Soda and Coffee.
Soda contains acids that can erode tooth enamel, and coffee can make our teeth become yellow. Use straw when drinking to minimize the acid.
3.   Natural Teeth Whitening.
Fruit can clean the teeth. Celery and carrots add saliva to remove the dirt or bacteria. Saliva neutralizes acid that causes cavities.
4.   Whitening Toothpaste.
Choose a toothpaste that contains enzymes and fluoride plus whitening formula. This fluoride strengthens tooth enamel.
5.   Bleaching.
Fast but expensive method is emerging in the beauty clinics. Can endured for 2-3 years. But still have to sort out the foods and beverages.

Tooth Whitening Methods
1.   Whitening/Bleaching Gel.
First, check to ensure there are no dental cavities. After that, the doctor will make a tray/mold in accordance with the shape of teeth. Apply the whitening gel in the tray and attach at the time of a night's sleep. Do this treatment in 3 days. Spent about US$ 150 for this method.
2.   Whitening/Bleaching Laser.
It must be done in the doctor's clinic. If not careful, can causes pain on the gums. In the process, firstly the doctor will secure the gums. And then the teeth’re given a high beam of light, then rinsed and exposed again. The changes will be visible only within ½ - 1 hours.
3.   Whitening/Bleaching Tape.
Only need a half hour with this tape. One package of bleach tape has expired period of 2 years. You can start to use it if you're going to an important event and want a clean white teeth instantly.

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