Japanese, British, and Chinese have a ritual or habit of drinking tea. Tea has health benefits that are good for our body. These are the tea types:
1. Bergamot Tea
This is a black tea blended with bergamot oil, a type of citrus which grows in South Italy. It contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process, and reduce the risk of heart attack.
The benefit of this tea:
Bergamot is useful for the treatment of depression and used for aromatherapy to calm down our mood. Bergamot as an antiseptic that keep our oral hygiene. It can kill halitosis (bacteria in the mouth) and oral infections. It’s also can reduce fever, increase immunity, treat colitis and other digestive problems that often occur. The effect is fast enough.
2. Chamomile Tea
Although it is rare and expensive, since the time of the ancient Egyptians, Chamomile is widely used for relaxation and various rheumatic diseases treatment, headaches and nervousness/anxiety. It’s also used for cosmetic substances.
The benefits if this tea:
Chamomile contains antibacterial and glycine, that can reduce muscle spasms. Consume two cups of chamomile tea during menstruation also helps reduce abdominal pain that usually arise. The most famous chamomile tea’s benefit is reduce anxiety and tension, because it contain valerianic acid and also can reduce insomnia. Drink this tea before you sleep to against the insomnia syndrome. Research in UK shows that 14 people who drank 5 cups of chamomile tea every day can help the body to fight influenza.
3. Oolong Tea
In Chinese, oolong means black dragon. The leaves like black dragon who gets up when poured into hot water.
The benefits of this tea:
It has a higher polyphenol to eliminate the body fat. The theaflavin is an antioxidant as antidote against free radicals that make our skin dull. Maintain the integrity of bones and teeth. Don’t mix oolong tea with sugar, orange juice, or milk to make maximum benefit.
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