Friday, February 11, 2011

Glowing Skin Recipes

Dull and dry skin is never ever cool! But the treatment at salon or buy cream are usually expensive. And the chemical content is not necessarily suitable to our skin. These are the quick, simple, and cost-effective masks, designed to make your skin glowing, healthy, and soft.

1.   The Honey Mask
Besides being a complement of food or drink, honey is used as a mask, very nice to soften the skin and shrink pores. This mask is suitable for all skin types and doesn’t need special recipes to use them.
Honey, as much as you desire.
Apply the honey on your face. But be careful on the eye area. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes and then wash with warm water. After that, wash again with a towel that soaked in ice water. Your face becomes fresh, moist, and glowing. Do it once in a week regularly for maximum results.

2.   The Banana Mask
If you have dry skin face, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a soft glowing skin. Banana mask is the perfect remedy for you. It can make your skin fresh and youthful. Also suitable for oily skin.
3 bananas, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 spoon of lemon juice.
Blend the three ingredients above by using a fork until creamy (not too soft). Apply the mask on your face. Again, be careful on the eye area. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. And then wash again with cold water to close the pores of your skin face.

3.   The Oatmeal and Lemon Juice Mask
Mixture of oatmeal and lemon juice can treat rough skin and acne scars that interfere your performance. Gently lift dead skin, and makes your face clean, smooth, and glowing.
1 spoon of oatmeal (mashed but not too soft), 1 spoon of yoghurt, 3 drops of lemon water.

Mix all ingredients and spread on the black flecks or acne scars on your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then wash your face with cold water to close the pores that opened during the process of wearing mask.

4.   Olive Oil Mask
Who says that olive oil and egg yolk can only be mixed with food? The content can make your skin glow and firm. Suitable for all skin types.
1 egg yolk, 1 spoon of olive oil, and 1 spoon of plain yoghurt.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and stir until slightly thickened. Apply the mask on your face. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. And then wash it off with warm water, followed by cold water to close the pores. Your skin will be firmer.

5.   Cucumber and Yogurt Mask
Cucumbers have natural astringent which reduces oil on the face, tighten pores, and glow the skin naturally. Because it contains milk, yogurt not only soften the skin, but also remove the dark circles that appear under the eyes.
A cucumber that has been washed, 1 spoon of lemon juice, 2 spoon of plain yogurt.
Mix the lemon juice, cucumber, and yogurt in a blender. Blend it until it becomes pulpy. Apply the mask on your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water.

Masking Tips:
      Before wearing the mask, wash your face first.
      In the middle of the process, drink a glass of water, so your skin will be more moist and glowing.
      Ingredients for the mask (fruits, yoghurt, eggs, honey) must stored in the freezer first before used, so it can be more fresh and cool on the skin.
      Do this treatment regularly.

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