Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Truth About Acne

What Is Acne?
What is acne? Acne is a skin condition that isn’t normal where there’re infection and inflammation of the oil glands in human skin. Usually, the oil and dead skin layer that is not cleaned will clog the pores and form a blackhead. Blackheads can become inflamed if contaminated with the propionibacterium acnes (p acnes) bacteria. That inflammation is called acne. Acne not only appear on the face, but also other parts such as back, chest, arms, legs, etc. Acne can affect anyone, not only teens. For people who are actively working in dusty areas and lazy to wash their face, and for oily skin, can also cause the appearance of acne on the face.

Top Acne Causes:
      Clogged layer of dead skin on the infected pore.
      Overactive oil glands production.
      Genetic factors derived from parents.
      Hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty.
      Skin irritation.
      Often stressed when face a problem.
      Choose the appropriate cosmetics to your skin type.
      Skin hygiene must always be kept, do not be lazy to wash your face, because acne germs easily stick on our faces.

Secret of Having a Clean Face:
      Clean your face regularly, especially after outdoor activities.
      Know your skin type before choosing a soap and facial cleansers.
     Use oil-free facial cleanser and non-detergent. For oily skin, use cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide.
     Do not forget to use oil-free moisturizer and use sunscreen so the face is protected from direct sunlight.
      Use acne medications that contain benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin.
      Do not wait for problems to do the facial treatment.
      Avoid pollution when you're out of the room, and cover your face when driving.
      Stay away from spicy and fatty foods, and alcoholic beverages.
      Do not squeeze pimples yourself, it can leave scars on your face, your hands aren’t always clean, then the acne can appear again.
      Do exercise regularly, because exercise can open the pores in the body so that dirt is easier to get out of the pores of the face.
      Treat your hard acne to a dermatologist. For maximum results, you need the cooperation between you and your dermatologist. So, just leave it to the expert, because they know what your problem is.

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